We're constantly updating the Many Isles. You can check on our progress here.
v4.1.2: Added suggestion dropdown when editing an article's sources
v4.1.2: Added "feeling lucky" button to fandom
v4.1.2: Numerous fandom improvements and bug fixes (big: all inter-fandom links are now same format, helps cache)
v4.1.1: Wiki admins can directly edit a wiki's description in the article edit page
v4.1.1: Added big wiki tabs with description to fandom homepage
v4.1.1: Fandom sources now have three types (external file, file, and text)
v4.1.1: built fpi (central file uploader system)
v4.1.0: built first elements of events, communityEngine
v4.0.6: Fixed major dl bug, premium partnership activation bugs
v4.0.6: Upgrade of error logging and reporting system
v4.0.6: Diverse fandom fixes (character encoding, contents table, link parsing, incorrect sidetab parsing)
v4.0.6: Added sources to fandom
v4.0.5: New wiki articles are now stored in json objects
v4.0.4: Fixed fandom Parsedown problems (too many line breaks, sources not parsed...)
v4.0.4: Parsedown v2 (self-written markdown parser, some new elements)
v4.0.3: Mild cosmetics, better error pages, Account page now defaults to "Sign In" when you have an account
v4.0.3: Numerous bug fixes (including email change, cosmetics)
v4.0.3: New digital store order confirmation email
v4.0.3: Quick fixes: dl open product in browser, modMailer media-hosted images
v4.0.3: Modular email engine (mail.php -> modMailer.php)
v4.0.3: Revised email style
v4.0.2: Improved homepage slogan generation
v4.0.2: Created and implemented acp: modular, global api-based account singing in
v4.0.1: Revised homepage style (4th gen), navbar, modular global css styles
v4.0.0: Fandom bugs: sidetab, Sources always shown
v4.0.0: Fandom: added table of contents, fandom/mystral: background tiling is now customizable
v4.0.0: New fandom style (font, sidetab lists, added quote blocks...), improved parser, better gallery, bug fixes, dic: parser bug
v3.3.8: Bug with images hosted on media.manyisles.ch not loading fixed
v3.3.7: Icons are now hosted locally
v3.3.7: Account page now "home" when signed in and not
v3.3.7: Added hidden fandom wikis
v3.3.7: Properly certified mailer
v3.3.6: Dictionary: automatic generation of new words, edit parses literal words, wiki user backbone
v3.3.6 Added global moderation credentials (finally)
v3.3.6 Updated error handling: now goes to database, not email
v3.3.6 Dictionary
v3.3.5 Proper error handling, minor bugs
v3.3.5 Bug fixes (blog tags, fandom homepage, ds confirmation mail images, dl partner redirects)
v3.3.5 Various bug fixes + updates (blog, wiki (fandom, spells), homepage footer)
v3.3.5 Created diltou css (the blog/ds/dl style structure)
v3.3.5 Digital Store 2.5 (new backend)
v3.3.4 Emergency fixes: pageGen undefined functions, blog title styling
v3.3.4 New global "createMarkdown" engine: modular markdown tools for non-wiki applications
v3.3.4 A new global parsedown engine
v3.3.4 Wiki: fixed fandom promotion system, mystral autolinks
v3.3.3 Digital Library: not enough thumbnails loaded fix, queries in search url
v3.3.3 Minor digital store bugs
v3.3.3 Blogs: embeds and references in comments, notifications fixed again, titles now optional
v3.3.2 Blogs: all embedded links are now parsed
v3.3.2 Blogs: quotes in titles, sideimg css, email notifications fixed, discord username displayed on profile
v3.3.2 Fixed bug where logging in logged out all other devices
v3.3.2 Created allBase class for fundamental backend methods
v3.3.1 Blogs: added references to users and tags
v3.3.1 Fixed "accept cookies" prompt not appearing
v3.3.1 Blogs patch: multiple cache issues, description takes ', nices quotes
v3.3.1 Blogs launch
v3.3.0 Open-Source Launch
v3.2.8 a unique code, not the password, is now stored in login data cookies (major security improvement)
v3.2.8 mystral: thumbnail special syntaxes fixed, Feeling Lucky fixed
v3.2.8 fandom: can view sideimgs in new tab, article date always visible, added navbar to all pages
v3.2.7 dl: modular genres, added 3d Models genre, "More" on large item descriptions
v3.2.7 Publishing: upload revision, modular genres
v3.2.7 Spells: bugs, quicker loading, account + tools linking remove / fix, duplicate index
v3.2.7 Fixes: fandom external links blank, bigger standard imgs (publishing partnership + product icons), dl button links issues, dl + ds copy link
v3.2.7 Spells v2 (with wiki engine, integrated into 5eS)
v3.2.6 DS: specific stock
v3.2.6 Various bugs in fandom
v3.2.6 Wiki settings: Notebook deleting
v3.2.6 Wiki settings: Category management
v3.2.6 Various bug fixes in wiki and digital store
v3.2.5 Partnership Product Editing: removed external file default bug
v3.2.5 Notebook templates (default, roleplaying campaign, fantasy wiki)
v3.2.5 Bug fixes in Mystral
v3.2.5 Added Audio genre to publishing / digital library
v3.2.4 Bug ifxes: dl mobile, not signed in redirect; mystral style + image url copy, SignedIn minors
v3.2.4 dl bug fixes
v3.2.4 Premium Partnerships
v3.2.3 Mystral to fileManager system; all data now stored in media.manyisles.ch
v3.2.3 Many Isles now draws files from Git
v3.2.2 Publishing Revision (v2)
v3.2.1 Bug Fixes: wiki (various), ds (basePrice always 0, specifications)
v3.2.1 Digital Library v3
v3.2.0 Switch to GitHub
v3.1.8 Digital store bug fixes
v3.1.8 Mystral: images, greater access for free subscription, various bug fixes
v3.1.7 Accounts: no longer policy popup before creation
v3.1.7 Mystral functionality updates
v3.1.7 Addressed issue of creating new wiki when creating new article
v3.1.7 Mystral launch
v3.1.7 Mystral manage auto-linking
v3.1.7 Digital Store subscriptions
v3.1.6 Search suggestions bug fix
v3.1.6 General Wiki revision: links insert, default banners, new 5eS genres
v3.1.5 Minor Efforts: fandom search suggestions root links, global linkage (to docs), doc sideLoader url parsing, account bits
v3.1.5 Fandom: added timelines function in search
v3.1.5 Wiki updates: link root bug, docs sidenav links bug, popup js error
v3.1.5 Updated homepage newcomer welcome message
v3.1.5 Behind the scenes launch of 5eS Rulebook
v3.1.4 Many Isles Wiki v3.5 (modularization)
v3.1.3 Various updates (docs bugs, fandom styles)
v3.1.3 Docs updates (smart links, correct parsing, revert and delete fix)
v3.1.2 Digital store: specifications affecting shipping costs
v3.1.2 Modularization and modernization of digital store
v3.1.2 Digital Store deactivated due to multiple fundamental issues
v3.1.1 A variety of functionality updates across the website, mainly in the wiki
v3.1.1 Wiki as documentation officially deprecated; warning popups implemented
v3.1.1 Advanced Editing
v3.1.1 Individual wikis personnel system
v3.1.1 Fandom: updated suspend, delete article
v3.1.0 Docs updates (toplink, adminry)
v3.1.0 Many Isles Docs
v3.0.4 Wiki updates (parsing image syntax, code css)
v3.0.4 Wiki updates (parsing image syntax, code css)
v3.0.4 Account redirect updates (anti-infinite-redirect measures)
v3.0.4 Docs updates
v3.0.4 Homepage updates
v3.0.3 Many Isles Wiki as engine launch
v3.0.2 Fandom 3.0
v3.0.1 DS: allow and parse special characters in specifications
v3.0.1 Rewriting URLs in general and for DS items
v3.0.1 Preliminary work on notifications
v3.0.1 General Font Revision, new changelog style
v3.0.1 Global pop-alert system
v3.0.0 Many Isles Digital Store 2.0
v2.3.10 ds: Added tooltips on progress tracker
v2.3.10 various Account page updates and bug fixes
v2.3.10 Account creation fixed
v2.3.9 Spell list bug fixes (save sl, search saved list)
v2.3.9 wiki updates: security, moderator
v2.3.9 account bug fixes, wiki updates
v2.3.9 minor wiki bug fixes
v2.3.9 Wiki: responsive, fandom homepage, fixed search function, bug fixes
v2.3.9 Wiki: outstanding articles, incomplete articles, some bug fixes
v2.3.9 Wiki: a ton of functionality updates, notably smart thumbnails and search functions
v2.3.9 Wiki: added categories, specific wikis, bug fixing
v2.3.9 Doubled available wiki banners
v2.3.9 Minor digital store partner support bug fix
v2.3.9 Wiki Revamp (Fandom v2): filesystem and roots, smart link insertion, side-tabs, sources, publication dates
v2.3.8 Bug fix: now impossible for non-complete file transfer to be submitted
v2.3.8 Product publishing updates: traders can specify module system, smart categories, optional support
v2.3.8 dl functionality: View's suggested products responsive, premium titles never have shadow
v2.3.8 load-image smart loader update;loaded image now always hides loading keyframes
v2.3.8 Premium texts on large screens in dl no longer have black shadow
v2.3.8 Removed publishing character restrictions
v2.3.8 Added indirect publishing to dl
v2.3.7 support restrictions for Traveler publishers
v2.3.7 Wiki updates
v2.3.7 Homepage style revision
v2.3.7 Wiki updates, including the new Projects category with the Population and Rise and Fall projects
v2.3.7 Launched Population Model
v2.3.7 Launched new tools tab with Create! and Population model
v2.3.6 Expanded publicly available lore for creators in the wiki
v2.3.6 Digital store: subtotal calculation and transfer fee billing
v2.3.6 Launched new style (world map background)
v2.3.6 Digital library: introduced game system classification
v2.3.5 Digital library: search page now also has intelligent search function
v2.3.5 Digital library free input abuse fix, security updates
v2.3.5 Introduced creator support
v2.3.4 Added credit payment option to digital store
v2.3.4 Functionality updates
v2.3.4 Major digital store functionality updates (behind the scenes)
v2.3.4 Introduced Many Isles Credit
v2.3.3 Digital store functionality updates
v2.3.3 Introduced webhook to automatically process payments
v2.3.3 Minor updates: Project-wisher support on wiki, better tiers redirect dl, more fluid digital library search
v2.3.3 Shorter display titles for long product names in digital library
v2.3.3 Introduced product suggestions in digital library
v2.3.2 Globalization of repeating code
v2.3.2 Security updates
v2.3.2 Introduced smooth loading for digital library and homepage
v2.3.1 Digital store mobile minor style improvements
v2.3.1 Digital library mobile bottomad style fix
v2.3.1 Digital store mobile
v2.3.0 Wiki modimg styling improvements and fixes
v2.3.0 Digital store security upgrade in confirmation process
v2.3.0 Homepage update
v2.3.0 Many Isles digital store launch
v2.2.4 Wiki updates
v2.2.4 Mobile digital library layout quick fix
v2.2.4 Major security update
v2.2.3 Digital library smoothing
v2.2.3 Introduced quick-publish option from digital library homepage on
v2.2.3 Spell list behind the scenes fix, Dungeon Master title added to wiki
v2.2.3 Yet more account and publishing streamlining
v2.2.3 Functionality update to account, pop.css, changelog
v2.2.3 Email change updates
v2.2.3 Account page streamlining
v2.2.3 Entry account update, main page exceptional bug fixes
v2.2.3 Account page update: looks, functionality, security
v2.2.2 Digital Library responsive updates
v2.2.2 Initial Fandom work: allowed use of double quotes
v2.2.1 Minor functionality updates
v2.2.1 Digital Library Mobile released
v2.2.1 Further responsivity upgrades
v2.2.1 Semi-major Spell Library and Digital Library responsivity update
v2.2.0 Fandom Wiki code smoothing
v2.2.0 Added root feature to Fandom Wiki
v2.2.0 Partnership publishing upload bug fixes
v2.2.0 Fandom wiki banner image gallery expanded
v2.2.0 Bug fixes in fandom wiki
v2.2.0 Bug fixes in spells index
v2.2.0 Launched Fandom Wiki
v2.1.7 Account deletion updates
v2.1.6 Fixed minor bugs
v2.1.6 Fixed header overload crashing server
v2.1.6 Updated Publishing, Partnerships articles in wiki
v2.1.6 Updated Security
v2.1.6 New Publishing system with administrative tools and diversified product publishing options
v2.1.5 Addition of resource wiki pages
v2.1.5 Visual tweaks, including load buffers and main popup cleaning
v2.1.5 General bug fixes in Digital Library, fine-tuning
v2.1.5 Two wiki how to articles on digital library added
v2.1.5 Major Digital Library revision
v2.1.4 Introduced Many Isles Wiki Lore domain with maps
v2.1.4 Released Many Isles Wiki
v2.1.3 Fixed incorrect Tool Tab generation in Digital Library homepage
v2.1.3 Fixed sign in bug
v2.1.3 Preliminary work on account creation page refurbishing
v2.1.3 Minor functionality updates, notably on banner display
v2.1.2 Sign In bug fix
v2.1.2 Spell List creation completion
v2.1.1 Important Spell List building advancement
v2.1.1 Preliminary Polishing of Spell List Creation page
v2.1.1 Further polishing of the Spell Index, including new navigation bar
v2.1.1 Updated Spell Index, massive looks and functionality upgrade
v2.1.0 Perfection of style and further functions for Companionship Publishing
v2.1.0 Release of Companionship Publishing for all Adventurers
v2.0.6 Preliminary work on allowing Adventurers to Publish
v2.0.5 New header font: Luminari
v2.0.5 Added option to create Partnerships for Adventurers
v2.0.5 Major re-sorting of files, failing links expected
v2.0.4 Initial work on Campaigns
v2.0.4 Added more Partner representation in DL
v2.0.4 Further DL bug solving
v2.0.4 Fixed two crippling DL bugs: inclusion and tab generation
v2.0.4 Major Digital Library update: Added Tools type, general embellishment
v2.0.3 Final bug fixes on new Digital Library
v2.0.3 Significant style rework of account pages
v2.0.2 Further work on the Digital Library
v2.0.2 Stylistic and Globalisation work in Digital Library
v2.0.2 Reworked Account creation page's style
v2.0.2 Reworked Introduction's style
v2.0.2 Introduced General Navigation Bar
v2.0.1 Updated Create! page to digital library style, general style review
v2.0.1 Changelog created