Tiers in the Digital LibraryGuide
Your tier represents your "buying power" in the digital library: as soon as you upgrade your account to a tier, you have access forever to that tier's products in the library.
See the tiers and titles article for more general information on tiers.
Purchase Tier
To acquire a tier, simply purchase it in our digital store.
The purchase is permanent and tied to no extra costs.
The digital library includes premium products; these are marked mainly by having golden titles. There are three different tiers possible. The tier 0 products (black titles) are open to everyone; if you have a higher tier, you can access all products of your tier and below.
Why a Many Isles Tier?
The good thing about our tiers is that once you've bought them, they last forever, and also on any new products of that tier. You'll unlock an awesome selection of cool products, and your higher tier usually also comes with a rank upgrade on your account, giving you special access to some aspects of the Many Isles community as well. Plus, you support us and help us continue on with our cool projects!