Many Isles FandomGuide
Fandom Wiki - Create Wiki - Markdown Editor

The fandom is a place for public, community-created lore networks. If you're looking to keep your lore private, such as tracking the setting of a D&D campaign or taking another form of private notes, then Mystral is more adapted to your needs.
Whenever you write a new page or edit an existing one, you fill one of your slots. You have a total of 10 such slots; once they are full, you can neither write nor edit any pages. A member of the wiki's administration will check your participations, clearing your slots regularly. If you're blocked because of this, just wait a few hours, and everything should work again!
If you'd like to invest more time in a wiki, feel free to contact the Pantheon to get more extensive rights. As a wiki's moderator, you have unlimited editing slots within that wiki.What's markdown?
Markdown is a common way of writing content and representing different types of text, such as headers, normal paragraphs, or bold text. In the fandom wiki, we use a special version called Many Isles Markdown. You can find more information on how to write this in this article.
When are articles canon?
Whenever you write a new page or edit an existing one, it is by default not canon, as a little tab next to the page's title informs any readers. Whenever the wiki administration checks a page, especially if the old version was canon, they may "canonize" your participation. If you feel like an article should be canon but hasn't been recognized as such, feel free to contact the administration or
What can wiki administration do against me?
There are a number of safeguards against sabotagers and trolls in place. Next to the maximum of 10 edits, administration can at all times revert any changes you've made and ban you, blocking you from all wiki participations.
What does reporting a page do?
Whenever you click on the "Report" button in the Page Admin block at the bottom of a fandom wiki page, a notification is sent to the wiki's administration, which will check the reported page for any unfitting content. If you feel like nothing gets done about a reported page or the divergence is easy to miss, feel free to contact the administration or
What are outstanding articles?
When writing an article, it is possible to create an outstanding article. These are essentially blank templates with a name. That way, you can insert links within the article you are writing to pages that aren't written yet.
Outstanding articles are listed on the wiki's homepage and can be edited as normal. Any links to outstanding articles appear red instead of blue.
It is possible to mark written articles as "incomplete". They are then also listed among outstanding articles for people looking to help out, but act as normal articles otherwise.
Genre, Roots and Categories
The fandom wiki is structured according to these three systems.
Genre. Each article has a genre. It is the article's type; what it talks about.
Root. When creating an article, you always specify its parent. This allows for the creation of a tree / filesystem which can be followed down along all the branches, so that no articles get lost. It is a rudimentary and arbitrary ordering of everything, but it keeps the wikis neatly organized.
Categories. Each wiki has its own categories, and an article can have multiple. They are more specific orderings than genres and roots, because they are more flexible.