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Wiki Special SyntaxGuide

The Many Isles Wiki engine offers many special syntaxes that make articles much more interesting.

Note that images and thumbnails are not part of the "basic markdown" suite: while inputs like article bodies will correctly parse this syntax, others - such as an image's caption - will not parse them.

Global Syntax

Any input field taking complex markdown, including wiki articles and blog posts, will parse these syntaxes.


An image with syntax {src[]caption[this]}

Images have a special syntax, in the form {attribute[value]}. It's easiest if you use ctrl + shift + i to create an image. Below is a list of attributes, and the values they take. It is possible to ignore all attributes, although omitting src makes this rather futile.

class. The css class of the image. Defaults to "sideimg".

caption. Text that appears as an italic caption below the image. Takes basic markdown.

src. The source of the image. Must be a direct link. Should not be omitted.

style. CSS style that will be directly applied to the image's container.

Further Elements

Image Galleries. To create a gallery, put the [gallery] tag before a list of images, and [/gallery] at the end. A gallery element should contain only images. Wide Tables. If you want a table to fill the whole width, use the [wide] and [/wide] tags around it. Alternatively, [fullTable] generates a larger table. Quotes and Highlighted Blocks. Use [quote] to create a quote block, and [highlighted] for alternate colors. These blocks take the note parameter, making them smaller blocks on the right side, and the left parameter, to hover on the left. Code. You can make parts of text look like this with [code].

Wiki-Specific Syntax

These syntaxes will only be parsed in wiki articles.


The [X] syntax creates footnotes. These will reference the user to the Sources at the bottom of the article. You can use ctrl + shift + o to insert them.


Thumbnails are nice to visually link parts of the wiki together. There are a variety of syntaxes that will generate thumbnails.

A single thumbnail for the specified article. Can be easily created with ctrl + shift + l. Returns up to 8 thumbnails of articles in the wiki that fit the specified genre, ordered by recency. Returns the article in the wiki that is at this level of popularity; eg., will return the 3rd most popular article. If left unspecified, will return up to the top 8 most popular items. Returns the article in the wiki that is at this level of recency; eg., will return the 3rd newest article. If left unspecified, will return up to the top 8 most recent items. Returns up to 22 children of the specified article. If left unspecified, will return the children of the current article. Returns a random article in this wiki. Use different specifications if you want multiple random articles. If left unspecified, will return up to 8 random articles.

Further Elements

Footnotes. References to the sources at the bottom of the article. Written as [X], or with the ctrl + shift + o shortcut. Notes. These are annotations next to the main body of text. Place the [note X] tag before the text content, and [/note] at the end. The parameter takes wide and left as inputs, and can be left empty.