Fandom Wiki ModerationGuide
You can become a fandom moderator in two ways - by creating a new fandom wiki, or by being promoted. Moderators have a variety of extra abilities.
Keep in mind that mod powers are of local scope: if you change wikis, you likely won't have the same roles.
Wiki Setup
You have access to the wiki settings page from its homepage. See this doc for more information.
User Promotion
Each article has an Authors side-bar on the left side. When hovering your mouse over individual authors, you will notice the popup, along with promotion options - Ban, Curate, and Mod. Click on a button to promote the author to this role.
See the roles doc for more information.
Ban. The user will be banned from this wiki: they will not be able to edit anything, although they can still view its contents.
Curate. The user will be given curated status. This mainly means they have unlimited edit slots; a dangerous power, but very useful for dedicated worldbuilders and creators.
Mod. Grant the user full moderation powers (as many as you have). This is a very dangerous power to give; make sure you trust the user completely.
Wiki Admin Bar
At the bottom of the standard Page Admin bar, to which all poets have access to, you will find the Wiki Admin bar.
Suspend. Suspending an article makes it inaccessible. Links and thumbnails to it will still work, but searches will not show it, and any attempts to visit the article page will be redirected to the homepage. At the moment, only administrators and above can restore a page to active status, so be careful with this button.
Revert. This will "revert" the newest article version, so the article page will display the next-youngest one. This can be done until there are no more pages to revert. Note that while there are undeleted reverted pages on an article, no new edits can be submitted - if you are certain that a revert should be permanent, then use the age button.
Evolve.if reverted
This will restore the oldest reverted version to active status. It's the "go back" button for Revert.
Age. if reverted
No one can edit an article while there are reverted versions around. To reactivate editing, age the article. This will delete all reverted pages forever.
Incomplete / Complete. This changes the completeness status of the article. Incomplete articles feature a short disclaimer at the top and can be found among outstanding pages for work purposes. It serves mainly as a call for poets to complete the article.
Additionally, you have all the powers of a curated author - i.e., mainly unlimited editing.