Fandom Wiki ArticlesDocumentation
Basic Structure
Article pages have a title and some information tabs. These include the genre, the canon status, and NSFW warnings. Just below, there may be a disclaimer (if the article is outstanding or incomplete). The main body consists of a single coherent text. It is adorned on the right with a side tab, which gives a keyword-style overview over the topic, ideal for quick reference. Below the body may be a footnotes section, listing the article's references.
On the left side of the main block is the left column. Its specific bars vary depending on the main content, but it very often includes the wiki bar with its write and edit links. The authors bar, children bar, and share bar are also commonly present. The share bar allows to share the page to facebook, reddit, twitter, (sometimes) pinterest, and to copy the direct link.
Admin Bars
These are located below the main content block, and are administrative in nature.
Page Admin
The Page Admin bar contains a couple buttons. Notice that using all of them fills one editing slot.
Edit. Create a new version of this article.
Write. Create a new article in the same wiki.
Report. Flag an article. A member of the wiki's moderation will have a look at it, and take appropriate action if necessary.
Incomplete / Complete. Incomplete items feature a disclaimer at the top and appear in the list of outstanding articles in the wiki. This is mainly a flag, to encourage authors to find the article and complete it. Editing the page automatically completes the article.
Wiki Admin
This bar does not appear for common users. See the moderator doc for more information.
Article Creation
Writing is the act of creating a new article, while editing is the creation of a new version for an article. See this doc for more information.
Article Status
An article can have different statuses.
Proper Statuses
An active article can be viewed and edited normally.
Reverted. [version-specific]
Revertion is a tool to restore older versions, mainly to undo mistakes or sabotages. Individual versions might be reverted; they cannot be viewed, as the article page automatically displays the oldest active version. The only way reverted versions are noticeable is that they block all editing of that article, since this could overwrite the old versions. A moderator needs to "age" an article for the reverted versions to be deleted.
Suspended. Suspended articles cannot be viewed; any attempts to visit them are redirected to the wiki homepage. They also do not appear in searches, although links and thumbnails may still display them.
Work Statuses
Articles can have additional "conditions" attached to them. This does not affect their technical aspects, but rather is an indication towards the content.
Outstanding. Outstanding articles can be created from the editing page's left bars. The idea is that an author can link to other articles without having to write them first, making the writing process much more flexible. Outstanding articles have a set title, no content, version 0, and otherwise are default. Editing such an article, essentially creating the first version, automatically removes this status.
Outstanding articles can be found on the wiki's homepage, to encourage authors to "fill the hole".
Incomplete. Users can change the completeness of an article by clicking the appropriate button in the Page Admin bar.