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How to Publish to the Digital StoreManual

This doc leads you through the process of publishing an item to the digital store.

1. Create Account

If you don't have an account yet, making one hardly takes more than a few minutes.
Visit the account page, and fill out the form.
Then, move on to find your fresh new account page! Check your email, including the spam, to find the confirmation mail - the link might be blocked, and you would have to paste it in the browser.
For more detailed guidance, see this doc.

2. Submit Partnership


Once you've confirmed your email, visit the partnership creation page - you can also find the link from your account page.
A partnership requires three pieces of information, all of which will be publicly visible.
Image. This will be your partnership's emblem, and should be similar to the one presented on your products. It must be jpg or png format, and of respectable dimensions.
Name. You partnership's name is permanent. Please use only letters and '.
Description. Describe your partnership and its goals!

Once you've submitted your partnership, wait for a short day or two until it gets passed by the Pantheon. You'll get an email when this happens, too.

3. Activate Digital Store Extension

When your partnership has been activated, visit the partnership page. Scroll down until you find the block offering to activate the extension.

When you click the button, it will immediately activate the extension. Thereafter, you can find it from your partnership page and from the account homepage.

4. Create Item

On your extension hub, you will find the button "Publish New". This will lead you to the item publication page.

Fill out the page. Don't feel like you have to fill every field; all non-required inputs (not marked by an asterisk) are completely optional and not necessary for the functionality or cosmetics of an item. Find this doc for information on image hosting.

Press on "Publish", and the item will immediately be publicized to the digital store. For more information about handling your digital store extension, see this doc.

Best of luck!