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Many Isles AssociationGuide

All our activities are coordinated and run by an association. Its purpose is to support the fantasy hobby in all its forms.

As a member, you have a voice in the operation of the entire association and can decide what we do.


The chief entity of the association is the Members' Assembly, which convenes at least once a year. It emits the chief legislative document, the Articles of Association.

The Members' Assembly appoints two bodies: the Auditors, who check the finances of the association and make sure everything is properly accounted for, and the Board, which handles the operation of all association activities and emits regulations.

Currently, the board's activities are divided into one commission, the Many Isles proper. This commission handles all public activities, i.e. all activities which are not exclusively offered internally, for members. It is run by the Pantheon, an extended group built on top of the Board, and is further subdivided into Services: the Publishing, Community, Events, and Technical Service.


The association's activities are run by enthusiast volunteers.