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Notebook SetupGuide

You can customize your notebooks a lot. These settings will apply to just your one notebook, not to all of them.

Whenever you change some settings, make sure to click "Submit" at the bottom of the appropriate section.

Notebook Settings

Notebook Style. Allows you to change your notebook's style. If you don't like the default mystral dark mode, you can always set it to some other color scheme - including the one of these docs!

Background. This has two features: color and image. The background color is always set. You can use the color picker above the input, or directly insert a standard CSS value. If you don't specify it, your style's default will be used. The image, meanwhile, must be hosted online. It will be tiled to fill the background. If you don't want any background image, simply leave the input blank.

Date Format. This also has two inputs: dates before 0, and dates after. If set, the relevant value will be appended at the end of a date. See this doc for more information on writing dates.

Default Banner. This is a dropdown list derived from the "Customize Banners" list below. Choose the banner that articles will by default be set to.

Customize Banners

This is a list of value pairs. Each pair is separated by a line break, and each value by a comma.

The first value is the label of this banner. It's just what will appear in dropdown lists to tell you what the image is. The second value is a direct link to a hosted image. You can freely edit the list, deleting whatever pairs you please and inserting new ones.

The banner list is used when editing notes, allowing you to choose the note's banner.

Customize Genres

Much like the banners list, you have a list of value pairs here. Again, the first value is the label, and the second is the actual genre - what will be shown on the article, next to the title on searches or link hover previews, and as a search parameter.

The default value will be the topmost pair.

Delete Notebook

At the very bottom of the settings page, you have the option to delete the notebook. This action requires your password.

The entire notebook, including the homepage, all its children, the categories, and the auto-links will be immediately deleted. This action cannot be undone.

We recommend never deleting a notebook, except if you really want to, or if you haven't worked on it much.