Account Home


The Many Isles offer vast resources, all of which are free, but many of which require an account to be accessed. Your account is your avatar in the community, and can give you access to numerous interesting benefits.

Account-Locked Features

Publish your Brews. You can easily create a partnership and publish cool products to the digital library. You can even sell items in the digital store.
Participate in the Fandom. With an account, you can write and edit all articles in the fandom.
Get a universal Many Isles identity. Many achievements you get or things you do with your account will be available in the entire Many Isles. For example, your tier and title will be visible on discord.
Premium product access. Depending on your tier, you can download premium products from our digital library.
Digital store purchase. You need an account to make purchases in the digital store. By the way, account creation is smoothly integrated into the checkout process.
Spell List. Save your awesome spell lists with an account.


Why doesn't my account work?

You might wonder why, after creating your account, you still don't have access to many resources. That's likely either because you haven't yet confirmed your account, or because there are caches (i.e., your browser still thinks your account isn't confirmed, although it is). In that case, you can delete your browser's cache in its settings. Alternatively, reloading a page can help, and after a while, your browser will be up to date.

Your Data

Your account data can be used for various things.
Username. This username is public and can potentially be seen by anyone, such as in the author credits of the fandom or in chats. It is not protected in any special way.
Email Adress. Your mail can be viewed by the Pantheon, and we may send you some information with it - usually necessary notifications, and sometimes newsletters. Other people can potentially have access to this address; notably, digital store publishers may need to contact you through it if you ordered some of their items, and others may email you if you are a publisher yourself. In general, however, your email is not publicly accessible, and anyone who is given access to it is judged trustworthy by the Pantheon and carries some responsibility.

Password. No one has access to your password - it is encrypted in a way that cannot be decrypted. Still, make sure to use a unique one that you haven't used on any other website.