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Blog ProfilesDocumentation

In the blogs, profiles are specific users.

There are two kind of profiles: adventurer and partnership.

Creating Profiles

As soon as you use the blogs while signed in, your adventurer blog profile is automatically generated. Its profile picture is your title's crest, the username is your account's, and there is no description. View this page here.

You can create a partnership profile by activating your partnership's blog extension.

By default, all settings are on.

Editing Profiles

You can edit profiles from their page by clicking on the bottom right, "Edit Profile".

Note that you need to click "save" to effect changes to username, description and settings.

Profile Pictures

This feature is only available for adventurer profiles.

You can upload images by clicking or drag-and-dropping the input. If your image has the correct file extension and size, it will automatically be uploaded and updated everywhere.

Username and Description

You can edit your username and description in these inputs. Note that usernames have a limited character range (any improper ones will be removed), and that changing profile names does not affect actual account of partnership names.

The description takes markdown.


  • Show up on public feed. If you uncheck this box, your posts will not show up on public feeds, only on the follower feed.
  • Notifications: posts from people I follow. (only available for adventurer profiles) You won't receive emails when people you follow post.
  • Notifications: mentions. Whenever someone mentions you, you receive an email notification.
  • Show discord username on profile page. (only available for adventurer profiles, if you connected discord) Display your discord username and id on your public profile, so users can contact you.

Using Profiles

You need to specify which profile to use when writing posts or comments. Hover over the bar featuring your profile picture and username: this will show a dropdown list of your profiles.