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Many Isles Publishing ServiceGuide

The Publishing service takes fantasy enthusiasm to heart by helping members publish fantasy content in a variety of media. It does so in two ways: through the Partnership Program, which enables members to publish digital creations to the Digital Library and sell physical products in the Digital Store, and the Publishing program, which supports members to realize their fantasy authorship programs.

Partnership Program

The Partnership Program allows Adventurers to easily and non-exclusively publish their fantasy work; adventure models, stories, even 3d models and music are highly welcome. Digital files can be shared for free on the digital library, while physical products can be sold for a small royalty on the digital store. Learn more

This program's concept

Publishing Program

The Publishing program is offered to any Adventurers who wish to author written fantasy. It can offer guidance for the writing process, gives access to a test reader community for feedback, and can offer guidance or even funding, as well as a platform, for publication of the finished work.