Account Home

Account Overview PageGuide


When you're signed in and navigate to your account, you'll find a complete overview of your account. On the left navigation bar are all the individual pages, divided into blocks by grey lines.

Main Block

Overview. Your main page is where you modify basic account information. You can change your email, password or region there; below, you also have the option to sign out.
Confirm Email. If you haven't yet confirmed your email, you can resend a confirmation mail from here. Otherwise, this bar does not appear.
Discord. Input your discord username here to connect accounts. This allows admins to connect your nickname and tier to your account. We'll soon have a bot to do this.
Connect Patreon. You can send us your Patreon username through here. If you have purchased a tier on Patreon (note that we recommend using the digital store instead), admins will update your account information.
Purchase Tier. A direct link for you to upgrade your account.

Partnership Block

Depending on whether you have a partnership or not, and what extensions it has, this block looks different.

No Partnership

You'll see a single page, "Be Partner", which allows you to quickly create a partnership.

Existing Partnership

Partnership Overview. Here you can quickly get an idea of how your publications are doing.
Edit Partnership. Your main creator page. Trade Policy. A quick overview of our digital library publication policy. For more information, see the Trader's Agreement.

Possibly, if you have the Digital Store extension, you will also see "Digital Store Hub" - a direct link to the hub.

Financial Block

Many Isles Credit. A list of all transactions with your account. You can also find your current credit balance here.
Orders. If you have submitted any orders in the digital store, you can find a list of them - along with their current delivery status - here.

Extras Block

Spell Lists. When you save a spell list (see Spell Lists article), you can access it from your account page as well as the Spell List page.
The spell list titles are links to the respective spell lists.
Beta Goodies. An occasionally updated page that presents you some of our running projects. Have a look and give feedback as you please.

Delete Account

You can also permanently delete your account from here. This requires a password, and cannot be undone.

Please be aware that your partnership, if any, may not be completely deleted, or even appropriated by the Pantheon. Please discuss with the Pantheon and arrange your partnership's dissolution before deleting your account.