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Labyrinth WindsLore - Geography Canon
The Labyrinth Winds, sometimes called Elemental Plane of Air, were a bottomless area west of Oshmondu.
The Labyrinth Winds consisted merely of an infinitely detailed network of air currents. The bottom was unreachable; the sky, eternal. On the entire eastern side, oceans from Oshmondu and Waterlond threw themselves in the bottomless fall, causing the sub-oceanic layer of the plane to be covered in mist and hardly inhabited. To the south lied the Great Conflagration, where the air, mist, and ocean met with eternal flames spewing from below the rock, causing a devastating turmoil of flames, steam and black smoke. The western flank, finally, was a huge cliff formed by the Outer Ring.
Some permanent lodgings used the Outer Ring's cliff - the only stable ground in this plane - as fundament. However, most residences were built on floating islands. Some were said to be residues from attacks of Earth elementals from Bolmeranda; others were apparently built by great lords out of stone, Ancetartic ice - in the colder regions, especially near the mist or in the northeast - or from molten brass flung out by the conflagration and hardened in the air.
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v1, last edited: 9.1.2022
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