Karte-Caedras Wiki
This article is part of the Karte-Caedras wiki.
Ginlic, Johannes Dragonslayer, Coolerthanyou, Robert of Bruskjand
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Species, Geography, Miscellaneous, Weave, Categories, Sobling Culture, Magic, Deities, Caedras
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- Archipelago States
- Duergar
- Dady Empire
- Turlu
- Eternal War
- Treesmasher Wars
- Intralu
- Colupan Archipelago
- Bao-Mou
- Silur
- Welfare Order
- Weluche Order
- Dragonkind
- Celestial Wars
- Draconoids
- Constructivism
- Trensandor Empire
- Shattered Order
- Radiant Conclave
- Thanate
- Prakash Culture
- Muyn'Ell
- Greater Muyns
- Faeling Race
- Aberrations
- Searing Desolation
- Elle'Nur
- Nine Hells
- Lamik
- Orcish Guard
- Siege of Karten
- Tempus
- Waukeen
- Zorl
- Sobling Culture
- Dwarven Weapons Act
- Nationalism
- Maitreya
- Tokken
- Dain Fireforge
- Holy Dwarven Empire
- State of Humanity
- Korpeon of Tillent
- Union of Cuprien
- Second Cuprien Empire
- Lili Haven
- Meliphe Haven
- Haluci
- Bromalnor Empire
- Drummir Kingdom
- King Rownor
- Sublime Maneuver
- Undine Kingdom
- Zinafae Naflshein
- Serenity

Karte-CaedrasHomepage Canon
The past of Caedras is lost in the mists of time, and the time of Karte-Caedras is long forgotten... Here is the world of Ochebana, displayed in all its splendor of cosmic glory.
About Karte-Caedras
The Many Isles setting plays in Karte-Caedras, which is that world's universe. Karte has been long lost and is unknown of to the population, while even Caedras is so vast that no one knows its true nature.
The actual 'multiverse', consisting of the prime material plane Oshmondu in its centre surrounded by elemental and outer planes, is called Ochebana.
Further Sources. If you're looking for additional material on this setting, this list will be a treasure trove - it features all reliable sources on the matter.
Ochebanian Planes
The multiverse of Ochebana lied at the core of Karte-Caedras, and this is where all the lore played out.
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v32, last edited: 26.2.2023
Views: 11'046
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